It has finally arrived.
For the true audiophile, we have developed our first discrete headphones amplifier with USB-DAC. Supporting almost any connection type, from a traditional standard jack to 3- and even 4-pin NEUTRIK jacks, you can customise your cables as you please. Whatever headphone cable you prefer, the U-05 always guarantees high-grade audio thanks to its fully balanced circuit. Advanced tuning possibilities allow even more dramatic sound improvement.
Obviously, you can use the U-05 for headphones playback and powered speakers. But, you can also deploy it as a high-end pre-amplifier with volume control, using the balanced XLR-outputs or the unbalanced RCA cinch outputs.
This USB-DAC plays regular PCM signals and 2.8 MHz and 5.6 MHz DSD-files. With the Hi-Bit 32 function you can upscale 16- and 24-bit signals to 32-bit quality, while the upsampling function raises the frequency up to 384 kHz.
Jitter and noise have no chance thanks to the high precision master clock circuit and dual Sabre 8-channel DAC, configured for left/right parallel use. Narrowing the DAC locking range will further reduce collateral sounds and disturbing overtones.