Pioneer Onkyo Europe GmbH

Headphone amplifier with D/A Converter for easy and accurate reproduction of music files from PC via USB

It has finally arrived.

For the true audiophile, we have developed our first discrete headphones amplifier with USB-DAC. Supporting almost any connection type, from a traditional standard jack to 3- and even 4-pin NEUTRIK jacks, you can customise your cables as you please. Whatever headphone cable you prefer, the U-05 always guarantees high-grade audio thanks to its fully balanced circuit. Advanced tuning possibilities allow even more dramatic sound improvement.

Amp it up

Obviously, you can use the U-05 for headphones playback and powered speakers. But, you can also deploy it as a high-end pre-amplifier with volume control, using the balanced XLR-outputs or the unbalanced RCA cinch outputs.

Hi-res audio playback

This USB-DAC plays regular PCM signals and 2.8 MHz and 5.6 MHz DSD-files. With the Hi-Bit 32 function you can upscale 16- and 24-bit signals to 32-bit quality, while the upsampling function raises the frequency up to 384 kHz.

No more jitter

Jitter and noise have no chance thanks to the high precision master clock circuit and dual Sabre 8-channel DAC, configured for left/right parallel use. Narrowing the DAC locking range will further reduce collateral sounds and disturbing overtones.

Vertical Tabs